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INNOVATE OPS Patentsearch uses the access to the European Patent Office (EPO) and it's Open Patent Services OPS.
The European Patent Office has a database with detailed descriptions of more then 120 million patents, concentrating technological knowledge from more than 100 countries.

INNOVATE OPS Patentsearch consists of
  • an implementation of the OPS API Interface for accessing the OPS.
  • a Solr based archiving server to save results and expand search capabilities
  • some alternatively implemented or borrowed tools as described on Patent2Net
  • an UI for OPS and Archive Queries for patent list and details display
  • an open API to OPS and the Archiving Server with consistent results

  • INNOVATE OPS Patentsearch is dedicated to:
  • enable patent information search
  • provide some statistical analysis and representations of a set of patents
  • deliver a working model for using OPS data
  • provide a development base for further OPS patent research client development

  • Highlights
  • up to 2000 results per query from OPS.
  • archive queries:
    • have no practical limit for query terms
    • configurable limit for results per query.
    • may search for data in any used language
    • all OPS query results can be archived per configuration
      or by query utilities
    • results are prepared to be analyzed immediately
    • named analysis saved as web pages
    • interactive pivot table grid and chart analysis
    • more than 11 Mio documents allready archived.
      all EP documents, ca. 7 Mio, regularly updated
    • open API, not bound to this server's client
  • Caveats
  • Query syntax for OPS differs from archive query syntax
  • This site uses cookies, JavaScript and comparable techniques like databases only to enable the website to work as expected.
    As soon as you're logged in, we save your queries in a database for statistical and display purposes. As a registered user you will be able to delete such entries.
    By continuing to use this site, you agree to the use of cookies c.q the techniques we need for functionality. read more...