INNOPS - INNOVATE and EPO Open Patent Services
was developed during the redesign and new development of a Patent Monitoring System.
Instead of the expensable and manual collecting of patents into a database before, this API enabled online searching and saving of patent data according to any definable profile.
Although OPS doesn't offer complete information for every patent, at first it seemed to deliver enough information for doing the job the Patent Monitoring System standed for (e.g.: checking search profiles and inform about for new patents or patents changes).
Working with OPS however, we saw some crucial differences between searching in a database with full publication data and OPS:
- Until now, in OPS it's not possible to search for text not indexed as English.
This means, that a document with only an other language than English cannot be found per CQL-search, e.g.:
- "Datos auxiliares de profundidad" should deliver ES2645639
- "Das Wärmepaneel" should deliver at least DE202018001836
- "Inrichting voor het lanceren van dummy's" should deliver NL1042680B1
However, if a text was indexed wrong, you may get results, e.g.: the document EP1223398A1 you may find with "Erwärmen", since the german title was indexed as english.
- Single search results could have about 100 documents only.
- Some changes in documents couldn't be found, e.g. changes in a B-document, if the publicationdate of an A-document didn't change.
- "pn:EP0000010 AND pd:19800109" should deliver EP0000010B1.
- Full text searches in descriptions are not possible, since only biblio data are searched.
- In OPS, there is no unique index for a single exchange-doc to search for.
- OPS only may have max. 10 terms within one query
INNOVATE (we) decided to work on reducing these limitations and the data preparation for easy analysis. Therefore:
- The EPO DOCDB download possibility was analyzed and prepared to use for an archive base. It was discarded by INNOVATE's customer.
- With that solution prepared, INNOVATE developed the saving of every query in a SOLR search engine. It delivers it's query results
compatable with the OPS back-end.
- For data analysis we came across the solutions of Patent2Net (P2N). Unfortunately this system is a bit hard to use, especially for non programmers. Very good however, because of it's results. It inspired us to combine our and some of their possibilities.
INNOPS - Patent Tool Development Status
In the actual development status of INNOVATE OPS Patentsearch we implemented solutions for most of the above mentioned crucial limitations to OPS on a Linux system.
(Working with profiles, after cyclic updates, users may be advised to use the Solr archive for searches.):
Query for Results
- Maximum ca. 2000 result documents per OPS and Archive queries. Archive csv-downloads tested with 30000 results/query.
- Every OPS search result can be saved in a Solr search engine database. (biblio-data)
- Practically no limits on query terms per archive query.
- Within saved data, UTF-8 searches for any kind of data and within any language are possible.
Continuous saving already prepared more then 11 Mio. documents for full search now, whereof almost all EP patent documents.
Patent Detail
- Selectable from results list
- Detail info, depending on availability for
* Bibligraphic Data
* Description
* Claims
* Legals
* Citations
* Agent
* Original Document
* Family Drawings
- Pivot data and analysis are available immediately after querying OPS or the Solr Archive
- Prepared for automatic updates of archive data.
- A help menu provides full text IPC/CPC definition queries
- Queries are saved in and may be reused from a query list.
- csv export for further analysis from query results or, unlimited, from Solr archive
- Monitoring of saved query profiles (weekly/monthly)
- Prepared for more users and roles (work in progress).
- Optimal throttling control according the Fair Use Policy of EPO/OPS.
- API for access to main OPS functions.
The actual software therefore is a good basis to start working with patent searches but also
for those software developers, interested in building a more complete Patent Search Application.
We are developing on quite a fast Linux Server (i7 / 32 GB RAM) but
the base system also runs on a
Raspberry Pi. Not fast for some functionality, but working very well!
More Information Patentsearch
For more information you're invited to
register yourself on this site. Then you'll find more information and you can test the available system
Example Screens
Query result list
Detail info view
The following graphs are generated immediately after results display:
Interactive tool: heatmap
Interactive tool: line chart
Mapping: Country Applicants